A club for fans of Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's Chalet School
      A club for fans of Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's Chalet School

Joining is easy, as is renewing

Benefits of Membership


Members of the New Chalet Club (NCC) receive three Journals a year, together with the occasional interesting supplement, the cost of which are included in the annual subscription.


In addition, members are able to take part in the running of the club by joining the committee or by voting on club issues as an ordinary member. All members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), and any other events run by the club. They are more than welcome to write articles for the journals.


Our members can access the "NCC Members' Only Area" of the website with a password that is amended annually. All current members will be alerted as to the new password as soon as this happens. This area is where it is possible to download our recent journals, as well as the annual club accounts as covered at our AGM's. It is worth checking this section quite often as it does get updated regularly. It also details any merchandise we have for sale

Subscription Rates


Please note that the subscription rates for 2023-24 onwards have increased as per the agreement at the 2022 AGM.


The membership year for the NCC runs between the 20th September and 19th September of the following year. One year's subscription consists of three journals and any additional mailshots necessary.


Our subscription structure for a one-year membership is as follows:


Electronic journals only and communication via email

Global rate:

Adult: £10.00


Paper journals and communication via post

UK only:

Adult: £15.00

Junior: £8.00

Rest of World:

Adult or Junior: £18.00



How to join the club or renew your subscription


Join or renew by filling in our electronic membership form below, stating which of the following options you have chosen:


  • Cheque:

Send them along with your name and address to:


Sue Hodgson, Membership Secretary, 5 Pinetree Gardens

Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear, NE25 8XU, UK


  • Standing Order/Bank Transfer:

Please set up a payment to

Account name:     The New Chalet Club
Sort code:             20-19-95
Account number:  00129321


If you already have a Standing Order in place, you won't need to fill in the renewal form below. Although, if you wish to update the club with any details, it can be used for that process. 


  • PayPal:

We ask that you only do this if you are overseas or cannot manage any of the other options. This is because we are regarded as a business and thus are charged for each transaction and lose 65p out of every £12.00


The email address in case of problems is: Membership@newchaletclub.co.uk


More information on these methods can be found here:

Payment Options


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J100 has been dispatched and should start dropping onto UK doorsteps this week. 

The members password has been changed for the 2024/2025 subscription year.

Members should have received an email giving the new password. Also, it is printed on the contents page of journal 100 which should be hitting doorsteps shortly. If you have not received it, please contact the membership secretary.

Delivery times:

For those members who live in the UK, please wait a week after we announce the journal has been dispatched before contacting the membership secretary

For members outside the UK but in Europe - 3-4 weeks

And for the ROW - 2 months

The deadlines for submitting articles to the journals are:


28 February

30 June

30 September


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© New Chalet Club