A club for fans of Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's Chalet School
      A club for fans of Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's Chalet School

About Us:

The club has a President, an elected committee and a constitution

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You can contact the various New Chalet Club personnel by clicking any of the following links. These will take you to the appropriate email address



The committee

Deputy chair

Editorial subcommittee

Junior co-ordinator


Membership secretary



Social media


Website administration


Find us on Facebook and Twitter too

In addition to the New Chalet Club, there are other interesting places that are involved in Elinor Brent-Dyer's world:

Friends of the Chalet School
Chalet Bulletin Board (CBB)

Folly Magazine's website


And these publishers are active in the school story genre or early 20th century fiction:


Girls Gone By Publishers

Bettany Press

Books to Treasure



J100 has been dispatched and should start dropping onto UK doorsteps this week. 

The members password has been changed for the 2024/2025 subscription year.

Members should have received an email giving the new password. Also, it is printed on the contents page of journal 100 which should be hitting doorsteps shortly. If you have not received it, please contact the membership secretary.

Delivery times:

For those members who live in the UK, please wait a week after we announce the journal has been dispatched before contacting the membership secretary

For members outside the UK but in Europe - 3-4 weeks

And for the ROW - 2 months

The deadlines for submitting articles to the journals are:


28 February

30 June

30 September


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© New Chalet Club